Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Look Like Ellen DeGeneres

"Has anyone ever told you, you look just like Ellen DeGeneres?"... I was first asked that question many years ago when Ellen's talk show exploded on the tv circuit. Then one day, my hair dresser asked me how often people say something to me about looking like Ellen. I thought for a second and realized…it happens every time I go out anywhere in public!

So, after several years of the "look-alike" stares, whispers and comments, I thought it was time to start documenting the funny statements, circumstances and stories I experience... all because I look like Ellen DeGeneres. It was never my intention to ever look like anyone else. I am simply being me and if that means I look like a well-liked and respected celebrity…then I gladly accept it. I still do get a bit embarrassed every time someone says something to me about how much I look like Ellen, but I have to admit I do get a kick out of it and really have fun talking to people about how much they love Ellen.

Check back for the upcoming story..."Can I have your autograph?"

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