Thursday, January 13, 2011

Say Aaaaaahhhhh...

It even happens in the emergency room. I went to Urgent care for an ongoing cough. The doctor came into the room and proceeded to exam me. As she was about to leave the room, she hesitated a bit, looked at me and said, "do you have a sister?…you look like a friend of mine…BUT really you look like Ellen DeGeneres". She continued to tell me that Ellen is her favorite person 'in the world' and that going to the Ellen Show is on her Bucket list. I told her now that she has seen her look alike she is half way there.

I'm surprised at how often Ellen's fans tell me since they will never see or meet Ellen, they want to have a picture with me instead. Aaaahhhh how nice. I'm happy to oblige because it makes Ellen's fans so happy to have a connection to Ellen, in any way they can - even if it means I am the connection.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynell, Hope you are good. I run a Celebrity Lookalike Business and we are looking for an Ellen Degeneres :) Please can you get in touch ASAP. my email is Thanks Andy. P.S its something thats pretty exciting. I hope to hear from you soon.
